Hungry Cardio
Ready to learn a little more about Fasted Cardio
Today I learned…
I will never say I’m an ‘expert’- but I am here to help guide and lead you to the best answer for you!
Since being in the states I jumped back into a morning run! Corona in Suburbia… not much to do outside but run the neighborhood!
So what to do before a morning run? I get up and go with just a little water before.. let’s learn a little more about Fasted Cardio and see if it’s right for your routine!
What is Fasted Cardio?
Cardio after a long period without eating.. about 4-6 hours. Normally overnight.
How does Fasted Cardio work?
When exercising in a fasted state your body preferentially burns more fat for energy since your insulin and glycogen levels are low during this period.
But is it ‘healthy’?
There is mixed reviews and science if there is ‘proof’ to fasted cardio. You can burn up to 20% more fat. But it also depends on your goals.
Body Check
Don’t forget everyone is different and every workout is different. For me personally my cardio sessions are normally a quick 20-30 minutes! So going for a morning run without food doesn’t fatigue me.. but going out for a 2 hour bike ride or longer trial run you’ll need to make sure your body is fueled and full of energy!
Morning Routine
Want to try Fasted Cardio?
Make a plan: Try for twice a week to start! Keep your cardio 20-30 minutes. Drink water before + after! If it feels right for you keep at it. Refuel after your cardio session with a protein packed breakfast! (try to wait about 30 minutes after your cardio session to eat).
Eat Before: If you need coffee try to not jug it… small cup to sip! I know y’all LOVEEE your bananas- but it has a high glycemic index (meaning big sugar spike!) so try half an apple and nut butter or hearty grain toast and 1 slice of cheese.
Snoooze: Not a morning person? Don’t push it! Just make sure you don’t eat right before your evening workout. A snack at 3pm (cottage cheese, deli slices, handful of almonds) and then jump into your cardio after work 5:30-6:30.